How To Pick Graduation Day Jewellery ?

How To Pick Graduation Day Jewellery

College graduation is a milestone event. Many people choose to mark the occasion with a special piece of jewellery. When picking graduation jewellery, it’s important to consider both the style and the meaning of the piece. For some, graduation jewellery is an opportunity to celebrate their academic achievements. A popular choice for graduation jewellery is … Read more

How To Decorate A Graduation Cap Without Ruining it?

Best Ways to decorate Graduation Cap without Ruining it

One of the most anticipated events of senior year is graduation. It’s a time to reflect on all that you’ve accomplished and to look ahead to the future. While many graduates choose to decorate their caps with traditional symbols like tassels and diplomas, there are endless possibilities for personalization. Decorating a graduation cap is a … Read more

Graduation Traditions Around The World

Graduation traditions around the world

Every culture has their own unique way of celebrating the completion of schooling, and graduation traditions are no exception. From tossing mortarboards in the air to donning students in rented robes, there is no shortage of ways to mark this momentous occasion. Below are just a few of the many different graduation traditions that can … Read more

Why Do Graduates Throw Their Caps ?

throwing graduation cap

At the end of every graduation ceremony, after the speeches have been made and the diplomas have been distributed, there is one final tradition: the throwing of the graduation caps. For many graduates, this is a moment of joy and release, a chance to celebrate their achievement and look forward to the future. But what … Read more