How To Decorate A Graduation Cap Without Ruining it?

One of the most anticipated events of senior year is graduation. It’s a time to reflect on all that you’ve accomplished and to look ahead to the future. While many graduates choose to decorate their caps with traditional symbols like tassels and diplomas, there are endless possibilities for personalization. Decorating a graduation cap is a great way to show your personality and show off your achievements. The key to decorating a graduation cap without ruining it is to use the proper materials. However, it’s important to make sure that you don’t ruin your cap in the process. The key to decorating a graduation cap without ruining it is to use the proper materials.

Best Ways to decorate Graduation Cap without Ruining it

Image Source: Canva

First, start with a clean, dry cap. Then, choose your decorations carefully. Be sure to use items that are safe for fabric and won’t cause any damage. Glue sticks and washable markers are always a good choice. Once you have your decorations, take your time and place them carefully on the cap.

The best way to avoid ruining your cap is to use adhesive-backed felt or other materials that can be easily removed. You can also use letters and numbers to spell out a message or create a design. Just be careful not to put too much pressure on the cap, as this could cause the decoration to come off.

Use fabric markers or paint instead of sharpie markers. Sharpies can bleed through the fabric, leaving permanent stains.

Be careful not to over-decorate. Too much decoration can make your cap look cluttered and busy. Stick to a few simple embellishments that will make a statement without overwhelming your cap.

Choose decorations that are lightweight and won’t add too much bulk to your cap. Heavy decorations can cause your cap to bend or break.

Make sure all of your decorations are secure before you put on your cap. Loose embellishments can fall off and get lost during the graduation ceremony.

You can also use temporary tattoos or face paints to decorate your cap. Just be sure to use products that are specifically designed for use on skin, as other products may cause irritation or damage.

Test products in an inconspicuous area first. Before using any new products on your graduation cap, test them in a small, hidden area first to make sure they won’t damage the fabric.

Once you’re satisfied with the results, let the cap dry completely before wearing it.

By following these simple and best tips mentioned above, you can decorate your graduation cap without ruining it. So go ahead and show off your personality – your graduation cap is the perfect canvas!

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