Graduation Traditions Around The World

Every culture has their own unique way of celebrating the completion of schooling, and graduation traditions are no exception. From tossing mortarboards in the air to donning students in rented robes, there is no shortage of ways to mark this momentous occasion. Below are just a few of the many different graduation traditions that can be found around the world.

Where Did Graduation Traditions Come From?

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In the United States, it is common for graduates to wear caps and gowns while they receive their diplomas. The graduate’s name is typically called out as they walk across the stage, and they will often give a short speech or get their picture taken with the school principal. Once the ceremony is over, it is not uncommon for graduates to toss their caps in the air.

In Germany, students typically wear dark clothing to their graduation ceremonies. The clothes worn underneath their robes are usually white, symbolizing purity and innocence. After receiving their diplomas, graduates will often shake hands with their professors and receive kisses on the cheek from family members.

In Japan, many schools require students to wear kimonos to graduation. Girls usually wear white kimonos while boys wear black ones. After receiving their diplomas, graduates will often take part in a parade where they wave to onlookers and show off their new attire.

South African graduation ceremonies often involve singing and dancing, as well as the throwing of hats in the air. Brazil’s graduation ceremonies are also quite lively, with students often spraying each other with silly string or water guns.

In China, it is customary for graduates to wear red graduation gowns. Red is considered a lucky colour in Chinese culture, and it is believed that it will bring good luck to new graduates. Whatever the specific traditions may be, graduation ceremonies around the world are a time to celebrate hard work and accomplishments.

In Brazil, it is common for graduate students to wear all white clothing during their graduation ceremony. This tradition is believed to represent purity and new beginnings. After the ceremony, it is not uncommon for graduates to throw parties or participate in parades with their friends and family.

In the Philippines, it is customary for graduate students to wear coloured corduroy shirts with stoles of various colours denoting their different academic achievements. These shirts are often worn during street parties that take place after the graduation ceremony.

These are just a few of the many different graduation traditions that can be found around the world. No matter what culture you come from, graduating from school is a time to be celebrated. So, whether you’re donning a cap and gown or shaking hands with your professors, take pride in your accomplishment and enjoy this special day.

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