Funniest things people have seen in Graduation Ceremonies

There are a lot of funny things that can happen during graduation ceremonies! Here are a few examples:

  • A student accidentally tripping and falling on stage
  • A graduate’s cap falling off at an inopportune moment
  • Someone’s phone ringing loudly during a speech
  • A group of students doing a coordinated dance or stunt as they walk across the stage
  • An unexpected animal (like a squirrel or bird) making an appearance on stage
  • Family members cheering too loudly.

Just remember to be respectful and mindful of those around you during the ceremony!

What is the funniest/weirdest thing we have ever seen at a graduation ceremony?

  1. A student’s mortarboard falls off while walking up to the stage to receive their diploma, and they accidentally step on it, causing them to trip and almost fall over. They managed to catch themselves, but it was a close call.
  2. During a commencement speech, the speaker’s mic stopped working, and they had to shout their message to the audience. This resulted in some awkward pauses and comedic moments as the audience tried to hear what the speaker was saying.
  3. A student who was particularly excited to receive their diploma ran up to the stage, tripped on their robe, and tumbled down the stairs. They were fine, but it was a moment of embarrassment and laughter for everyone.
  4. A group of students decided to play a prank during their graduation ceremony and all wore silly hats under their graduation caps. The hats ranged from cowboy hats to sombreros to tiaras, and it provided a lighthearted moment during the formal ceremony.
  5. One student accidentally took the wrong diploma from the table during the ceremony, causing confusion and laughter among their classmates and the faculty.

Overall, graduation ceremonies can be filled with unexpected moments and sometimes hilarious mishaps.

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